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Jun 28, 2020

Ever thought about investing but don't know your Share from a Managed fund, or an ETF. Join us in this week's episode as we chat the basics with Naomi Horobin of Clover Group Financial by looking at what each of these investments are, how they work and what you need to get started and some common questions.

If you would...

Jun 21, 2020

The saying goes, if you work in a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life. Our guest Holly is an AFP office who turned her passion for reading crime fiction novels into her dream job.

In this week's episode, we chat about careers in the AFP (who knew there were so many pathways)! We also get an insight into...

Jun 14, 2020

The recent announcement of the HomeBuilder grant means you may be able to receive $25,000 to help you towards building a home or undertake major renos. In this week's episode, we chat about the eligibility criteria and some tips and traps to be aware of.

To get the full details and the FactSheet head to the link below.

Jun 7, 2020

What happens when you want or need to purchase something but don't have enough funds set aside? These days there are many forms of consumer credit available to you, but the devil is in the detail.

We'd love for you to always be in the black and have sufficient funds before you spend, but the fact is the majority of us...